How can I receive free bus transportation?
The Chichester Baptist Church offers free bus transportation to both Sunday services for children and adults who would like to be able to attend, but are lacking transportation. Transportation is available in most of Marcus Hook, Linwood, and Trainer, as well as selected areas in Aston, Boothwyn, and Claymont. Children under four years of age must be accompanied by a parent or grandparent. You may request bus transportation using the form below. One of our bus workers will then contact you about the availability of bus transportation at your address, and to arrange pick-up times.
City: State: PennsylvaniaDelaware Zip:
Phone: E-mail:
Number of riders from this address: Choose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Best day to contact you: Choose: Any day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Best time to contact you: Choose... Anytime Morning Afternoon Evening